Browse Items
- a bad bad woman
- abandoned
- Abandoned child
- Absconded
- appearing looney
- Asylum for Insane
- Asylum for the Insane
- bad eyes
- Black Eyes
- blind
- Brazil
- broken leg
- Bronchitis
- cancer
- child birth
- Chronic Insane Hospital Worcester
- consumption
- cripple
- Cunard Line
- Danvers Lunatic Hospital
- deaf
- Deaf and Dumb
- death
- delegation of Tramps
- demented
- Deserted
- deserted child
- died
- domestic
- drinking
- Dropsy
- drunk
- dumb
- Dyspepsia
- enceinte
- epilepsy
- epileptic
- Fall River
- farm hand
- feeble
- Fistula
- foolish
- former inmate
- foundling
- from N.L.H. (Northampton Lunatic Hospital)
- from W.L.H. (Worcester Lunatic Hospital)
- frost bite
- frost bitten toes
- Galway
- gastric ulcer
- harlot
- heart disease
- House of Ill Fame
- Idiot
- Insane
- Jordan Marsh Store
- lame
- leg broken
- Lewiston Almshouse
- loafer
- Lowell
- Lowell and Andover R.R.
- Lunatic Hospital
- lung disease
- Luny
- Maine
- neuralgia
- Newland St.
- no feet
- North Brookfield
- Northampton Lunatic Hospital
- noted criminal
- notoriously ugly
- nusiance
- one arm
- one eye
- Orphan Asylum New Bedford
- Paralysis
- paralytic
- paralyzed
- partially insane
- pharyngitis
- Phihisis
- Phthisis
- Rheum
- S.S. China
- Scotland
- Scrofulla
- Scurvey
- Sherborn Prison
- shoemaker
- Simple
- skin disease
- sore eyes
- South Boston
- speechless
- spinster
- St Vitus Dance
- St. Vitus
- stomach trouble
- street walker
- stricture
- swindled
- Syph
- Taunton Lunatic Hospital
- this is a mistake
- Tramp
- tramping
- transfer from N.L.H. to A for I
- transfer from T.L.H. to A for I
- transient
- transient from Tewksbury
- twins
- typhoid
- ulcer
- Ware Village
- whooping cough
- Worcester Lunatic Hospital